10 Jan 2021


Our customers know that Bud’s Machine Tools sells… well, machine tools. We stock many machines in-house and can source just about any type of equipment that works metal.

What our customers may not realize, however, is that Bud’s Machine Tools is a division of Bud’s Equipment Sales, a company that Bryan “Bud” Jorgenson started to sell a variety of other industrial machines, with the focus being portable evaporative super-cooling industrial fans.

These variable speed fans can be used in large work areas, including dusty, dirty environments, such as maintenance shops, large patios and decks. They are useful in places where air conditioners are not effective, and they have the added benefit of cleaning the air and filtering out dust while cooling the temperature.


We even have a separate website centered around them: www.BudsEquipment.com. Please be sure to check it out.

You’ve bought machines from us to work the metal in your shop, now make your shop a much more pleasant place for your employees by buying one of our super-cooling fans today!

Call: 385-271-6717

Email: Sales@BudsEquipment.com

Browse: www.BudsEquipment.com

Visit: 4106 South Commerce Drive (300 West), Murray, Utah

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